Schnoor Sisters
June 2011
The Schnoor Sisters Story began with the help and support of their parents but mostly because of a shy 9 year old who saw a future in the black cattle that stood in a dirt pen. Since then Amanda has come a long ways, from show to show, traveling the country and competing on many different levels in the livestock industry. Now 25 and a teacher at Modesto Junior College, she looks back at all the things and one being involved in the National Junior Angus Association and serving as the Foundation Director, in which she took great pride in being apart of such an amazing and impacting organization. Amanda attended Modesto Junior College where she was on the judging team and furthered her education at Oregon State University where she ended her judging career as well as her education. She graduated and went onto University of Missouri when an opportunity became available to teach at one of her alma maters MJC and she took full advantage. Now living in Modesto, many things keep her occupied. From her classroom to her team to the livestock units at the school farm. She enjoys every minute of it. Still traveling from show to show with little sister Sydney, she was bred to be a part of this industry forever and she plans to do so.
While Kirbe was skeptical on the whole showing thing, she grew a strong appreciation and love for all that it had to offer. Some would say she didn’t have a choice, but following in the footsteps of her big sister was her best bet. The moment she would enter the ring at every show, she knew this is exactly what she wanted to be doing. Not only following Amanda’s footsteps of showing cattle, she also was on the National Junior Angus Association Board of Directors where she served as Chairman. Both will say it was one of their best decisions and greatest life experiences and they wouldn’t trade it for the world. While Kirbe hasn’t had much time for shows since retiring off the board and no longer competing in the ring, she remains very active back home. Attending California State University, Fresno studying Mass Communications and Journalism where she will be graduating in the fall with an emphasis in broadcast journalism, Kirbe has taken all life has had to offer. Getting involved in on-campus clubs and being a member of the sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma. While having a few internships with California’s Water Coalition and Sebastion Channel 2 sports radio and television, her future goals include attending law school and furthering her career in journalism. While her future endeavors have kept her from the industry recently she still sees the livestock industry as a huge part of her life and is thankful that little sister Sydney is still showing.
Sydney a high school Freshman, is so glad to have had older sisters that have opened up the doors to allow her to be involved and show. Much like the other two, she has lots of goals for her future. She has taken full advantage of what high school has to offer, being a class officer and a part of several clubs as well as playing volleyball and basketball and finding time to play travel ball while making sure she still has time to attend shows. Keeping Dad and Mom busy at home, they still have a few more years of the show world and they are glad they have gotten to be a part of it for so long. Sydney loves getting to know everyone and looks forward to meeting new people when she travels to shows. All three have said none of this would have been possible without all the help from people they have met in the industry, friends and family. While there are so many to thank they show great amounts of gratitude towards those individuals who have been a part of their success within the show ring as well as The National Junior Angus Association who has truly been such an impacting organization in their lives. ▪ (Information as of 2011)

American Royal Livestock Show
1999 Reserve Grand Market Steer
2006 Champion Maine-Anjou Heifer
2007 Champion Jr. Angus Female
2008 Champion Jr. Angus Female
2009 Grand Champion Angus Female
2009 Supreme Overall Champion Heifer
1999 Res. Grand Champion Steer
2006 Grand Champion
Maine-Anjou Female Show
2006 Res. Grand Champion Steer
2007 Res. Grand Champion
Maine-Anjou Female Show
2007 Grand Champion
Maine Anjou Female Show
2008 Grand Champion
Charolais Female Show
2009 Res. Grand Ch. Angus Female
National Western Stock Show
1999 Res. Champion Prospect Steer
2000 Champion Prospect Steer
2000 Res Grand Ch Steer
2003 Champion Prospect Steer
2004 Champion Prospect Steer
2004 Champion Prospect Heifer
2005 Grand Champion Market Steer
2006 Champion Prospect Steer
2007 Champion Prospect Steer
2007 Res. Champion Prospect Steer
2008 Res. Grand Champion Market Steer
2008 Grand Champion Prospect Steer
2009 Grand Ch. Prospect Breeding Heifer
2010 Grand Champion Market Steer
2011 Grand Champion Prospect Heifer
California State Fair
1999 Reserve Grand Steer
2000 Grand Champion Steer
2001 Grand Champion Steer
2002 Grand Champion Steer
2002 Reserve Grand Champion Steer
2003 Reserve Grand Champion Steer
2004 Grand Champion Steer
2005 Champion Angus Female
2006 Reserve Grand Champion Steer
2007 Supreme Champion Female
2008 Grand Champion Steer
2009 Reserve Champion Angus Heifer
2009 Reserve Supreme Champion Female
Junior Grand National Cow Palace
1998 Champion Angus Female
1999 Champion Prospect Steer
1999 Grand Champion Steer
2000 Champion Prospect Steer
2001 Supreme Female
2001 Reserve Champion Prospect
2001 Grand Champion Prospect
2001 Reserve Grand Steer
2001 Grand Champion Steer
2002 Grand Champion Steer
2002 Champion Angus Female
2004 Champion Prospect Steer
2004 Grand Champion Steer
2006 Grand Champion Steer
2007 Champion Prospect Steer
2007 Grand Champion Steer
2008 Champion Prospect Steer
Western Bonanza (Cal Poly)
2009 Supreme Champion Female (A & B)
2009 Res. Supreme Ch. Prospect Steer (A)
2010 Res. Supreme Ch. Prospect Steer (A)
2010 Supreme Champion Female (A & B)
2011 Supreme Ch. Prospect Steer (A & B)
2011 Supreme Champion Female (A)
Red Wave
2011 Supreme Champion Female
Western National Angus Futurity
2008 Grand Champion Jr. Angus Heifer
2008 Reserve Champion Jr. Angus Heifer
2010 Grand Champion Jr. Angus Heifer