Aegerter Family
How many families do you know that can breed one, take care of one, market one and show one all at the highest level? The Aegerter’s can and they are some of the best people in this industry! Could not respect how they operate and compete any more!
- John Sullivan
Darla Aegerter is no stranger when it comes to the cattle industry. For the past several years she has played a key role in the planning and executing of the Junior National Hereford Expo (JNHE) as well as many other Hereford shows and events through the year. From fundraising and organizing events throughout the week of the JNHE, to taking thousands of pictures at the different backdrops across the country, Darla has certainly become a key member of not only Team Hereford but a very valuable member the the Hereford family.
- Bailey Clanton